Here are the rules to Brandub as I found them on the Internet:
Brandub " a game for 2 players. It is played on a board comprised of 49 alternating white and black squares arranged in seven parallel rows of seven. The center square is black and called 'Tara' or 'Home.' Pieces are different coloured stones or objects as described below. One player has eight pieces which are placed on the white squares on the edge of the board nearest the corners. These pieces are called 'Barons' and move first. The other player has five pieces: four 'Princes' and one 'King.' These pieces are arranged in an 'X' radiating from the central or 'Tara' square. The 'King' is always placed on 'Tara.' Players move any of their pieces one square in any direction. If a piece, other than the King, chooses to move diagonally on the white squares, then it may move two squares at a time. Only the King may enter Tara. The object of the game is for the Barons to capture all the Princes or for the King and the Princes to capture all the Barons. Capture is effected by moving into the same square as an opposing piece. You cannot jump over another piece (either friend or foe) to effect any movement. The King cannot be captured but may capture other pieces. Finally, no Prince may remain in a corner square for more than three turns [I think this is a good rule for Gwyddbwyll, too!]."
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Here's a picture I made of the board:
(black squares have brackets)
|[ ]| black square
| | white square
X Baron
o prince
O King
|[ ]| X |[ ]| |[ ]| X |[ ]|
| X |[ ]| |[ ]| |[ ]| X |
|[ ]| |[o]| |[o]| |[ ]|
| |[ ]| |[O]| |[ ]| |
|[ ]| |[o]| |[o]| |[ ]|
| X |[ ]| |[ ]| |[ ]| X |
|[ ]| X |[ ]| |[ ]| X |[ ]|